Thursday, September 23, 2010

Being Doctored

The last couple of months have contained less stress than the previous few, but nonetheless time has disappeared. I find myself posting months after the previous post, which is fine I think, as I'm pretty sure no-one is reading this (yet?). I'd like to believe that at some point following the path of least non-awesomeness means that my increasing awesomeness will eventually overwhelm the internet and people will discover rather than be pointed to this by the blogger (which often seems to be how people find blogs?)...

OK, so really I'm not sure if I like the idea of being a blogger and am really just using this as an excuse to laugh at people who tell me I should blog.

OK, so...

I'm now a PhD in psychology. I have no idea what this means for now, but especially concerning my next steps. Academia is the most unfair of all occupations in that you kind of have to go where the work is. This (probably) means moving from my comfortable life here and going somewhere less comfortable. The question is... which is less non-awesome?